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The files in this group handle display and management of classes that display the User Interface. More...


class  CP_Color
 General class to represent a color. More...
class  CP_Window_Imp
 Implementation of the CP_Window class for Carbon Events. More...
class  CP_BevelButton
 Implementation of a platforms bevel button control. More...
class  CP_ChasingArrows
 Implementation of a platforms chasing arrows control. More...
class  CP_CheckBox
 Implementation of a platforms check box control. More...
class  CP_CheckGroupBox
 Implementation of a platforms text group box control that also displays a check box. More...
class  CP_Clock
 Implementation of a platforms clock control. More...
class  CP_DisclosureButton
 Implementation of a platforms disclosure button control. More...
class  CP_DisclosureTriangle
 Implementation of a platforms disclosure triangle control. More...
class  CP_DocumentWindow
 CP_Window subclass for a window that is associated with a CP_Document. More...
class  CP_EditField
 Implementation of a platforms edit field control. More...
class  CP_IconControl
 Implementation of a platforms icon control. More...
class  CP_ImageWell
 Implementation of a platforms image well control. More...
class  CP_LittleArrows
 Implementation of a platforms little arrows control. More...
class  CP_LittleArrowsEditBuddy
 Implementation of a platforms little arrows control. More...
class  CP_M_SubViewHandler
 Mix-in class for UI elements that can contain sub views. More...
class  CP_AglContext
 A class for management of an OpenGL AglContext. More...
class  CP_StSetAglContext
 A stack based class for setting and restoring an AglContext. More...
class  CP_OpenGLView
 A view to display the views content using OpenGL methods. More...
class  CP_PictureControl
 Implementation of a platforms picture control. More...
class  CP_Placard
 Implementation of a platforms placard control. More...
class  CP_PlatformControl
 CP_View class that serves as the base class for all UI elements that are based on the OS platforms native UI element. More...
class  CP_PopupArrow
 Implementation of a platforms popup arrow control. More...
class  CP_PopupGroupBox
 Implementation of a platforms popup group box control. More...
class  CP_PopupMenu
 Implementation of a platforms popup menu control. More...
class  CP_ProgressBar
 Implementation of a platforms progress bar control. More...
class  CP_PushButton
 Implementation of a platforms push button control. More...
class  CP_RadioButton
 Implementation of a platforms Radio Button control. More...
class  CP_RadioGroup
 Implementation of a view to manage a group of radio buttons. More...
class  CP_Relevance
 Implementation of a platforms relevance control. More...
class  CP_RoundButton
 Implementation of a platforms round button control. More...
class  CP_ScrollableView
 A CP_View class that knows how to handle scrolling. More...
class  CP_ScrollBar
 Implementation of a platforms Scroll Bar control. More...
class  CP_Scroller
 A CP_View subclass that provides support for scrolling of a view. The scroller has a CP_ScrollableView and 2 scroll bars to scroll the View. More...
class  CP_SearchField
 Implementation of an HISearchField. More...
class  CP_SegmentView
 Implementation of a platforms segment view control. More...
class  CP_Separator
 Implementation of a platforms separator control. More...
class  CP_Slider
 Implementation of a platforms push button control. More...
class  CP_Splitter
 Implementation of a slitter view. More...
class  CP_StaticText
 Implementation of a pane to display static text. More...
class  CP_TableHeaders
 Implementation of a platforms window list header control. More...
class  CP_TabView
 Implementation of a platforms tab control. More...
class  CP_TextGroupBox
 Implementation of a platforms text group box control. More...
class  CP_TextView
 Implementation of a platforms text view. More...
class  CP_Toolbar
 Implementation of a platforms slider control. More...
class  CP_View
 Base class for all UI elements in the CPLAT framework. More...
class  CP_View_Imp
 MacOS implementation of the CP_View class. More...
class  CP_View_Mac_Imp
 MacOS implementation of the CP_View class. More...
class  CP_Window
 Base class for windows that display various panes and other UI elements in them. More...
class  CP_WindowHeader
 Implementation of a platforms window header control. More...
class  CP_WindowListHeader
 Implementation of a platforms window list header control. More...
class  CP_WindowTypeBase
 Base class for a window type definition. More...
class  CP_DocumentWindowType
 Window type definition for a document window. More...
class  CP_AlertWindowType
 Window type definition for an alert window. More...
class  CP_ModelessDialogWindowType
 Window type definition for a modeless dialog window. More...
class  CP_ModalDialogWindowType
 Window type definition for a modal dialog window. More...
class  CP_FloatDialogWindowType
 Window type definition for a floating window. More...
class  CP_SheetWindowType
 Window type definition for a floating window. More...
class  CP_DrawerWindowType
 Window type definition for a floating window. More...
class  CP_MDIMainWindowManager
 A class for Windows only that handles the MDI (Multiple Document Inferface) main frame window. More...
class  CP_Window_Imp
 Implementation of the CP_Window class for Carbon Events. More...

Detailed Description

There are 2 basic types of UI elements: The first group is a wrapper around the various system controls, such as buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, sliders, progress bars, etc.

The second group are UI elements not defined by the underlying OS, such as tables.

Generated on Sat Sep 17 20:02:36 2005 for CPLAT by  doxygen 1.4.0